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Fore River Siphons Project Update
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

Questions and answers about

  • Why is pile driving necessary?

    The federal Office of Safety and Health Administration requires pile driving on all excavations to ensure that the work site and the project workers are safe. In this case, pile driving allows us to excavate to the necessary depth without fear of an excavation collapse. It also reduces the amount of water that will get into the excavation.

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  • How are piles driven?

    There are two methods of pile driving: vibratory and hammer. This contract requires the contractor to use vibratory pile driving most of the time. In vibratory driving, an oscillating hammer vibrates the piles into the ground. Some limited use of the hammer method will still be necessary. In this method a more traditional hammer actually bangs the pile into the ground.

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  • How long will pile driving take?

    We expect pile driving to take between 2 and 4 weeks.

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  • When is pile driving allowed?

    This contract allows work to occur from 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (except during horizontal directional drilling). Pile driving, however, is only allowed from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

  • Where will the pile driving take place?

    Pile driving will occur along the Idlewell shore from behind 96 Idlewell Boulevard to Arlington Street.

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  • Will there be noise associated with pile driving?

    Yes, depending on how close you are to our work, you may hear the pile driving activities. The MWRA's construction contract and the memorandum of agreement with the Town of Weymouth include strict noise limits and other requirements to reduce noise.

    One of those requirements is that the contractor use vibratory pile driving most of the time -- this is the less noisy method. In order to meet the specified noise limits, the contractor will use a blanket and/or shield around the pile driver. However, pile driving is a very loud activity. While these efforts will reduce noise, you are still likely to hear it.

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  • Will there be vibration associated with pile driving?

    Vibration is common with pile driving and nearby neighbors may feel some vibration from this activity. To those neighbors who are close by, we would recommend that you secure loose valuables to prevent them from falling or being damaged.

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  • Will pile driving damage my home?

    Wile nearby neighbors may feel some vibration from pile driving, the allowable vibration limits are set low enough so no damage to your home should occur. In fact, the allowable limits are set significantly lower than those levels that federal agencies report will cause damage. The vibration levels will be closely monitored for compliance with federal limits.

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If you have questions or concerns about this project, please contact Michele Gillen, the MWRA Community Coordinator for your area.

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