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Major Milestones of the Boston Harbor Project
Andrea Rex, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Effluent Quality
Steve Rhode, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Changes in Harbor Water Quality in Response to Transfer of Nut Island Flows
David Taylor, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Why the Outfall?
Andrea Rex, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Monitoring Plan
Mike Mickelson and Kenneth E. Keay, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Ecological Interactions in Massachusetts Bay
Carlton Hunt, Battelle Duxbury Operations, Duxbury MA

The Physical Environment:Circulation and Water Properties in Massachusetts Bay
Rocky Geyer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole MA

Water Quality Monitoring Program and Baseline Results
Carlton Hunt and Scott Libby, Battelle Duxbury Operations, Duxbury MA

Utility of the Bays Eutrophication Model (BEM) in the Harbor Outfall Monitoring (HOM) Program
James Fitzpatrick and Richard Isleib, Hydroqual, Inc., Mahwah NJ

Predicting the Fate of Sediments and Associated Contaminants in Massachusetts Coastal Waters
Bradford Butman, Michael Bothner, Harley Knebel, Frank Manheim, Marilyn Buchholtz ten Brink, and Richard P. Signell, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Field Center, Woods Hole MA

Soft-bottom Benthic Community Monitoring in the Boston Harbor-Massachusetts Bay System
Kenneth E. Keay, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA; Roy Kropp, Battelle, Duxbury MA; Eugene Gallagher, University of Massachusetts, Boston MA; Robert Diaz, R.J. Diaz and Daughters, Ware Neck VA

Benthic Nutrient Cycling in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay
Anne Giblin, Charles Hopkinson, and Jane Tucker, The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole MA

Nearfield Hard-bottom Communities Near the Massachusetts Bay Outfall
Barbara Hecker, Hecker Environmental Consulting, Falmouth MA

Caged Mussel Bioaccumulation Monitoring in Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays
Lisa Lefkovitz and Carlton Hunt, Battelle, Duxbury MA, Maury Hall, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Flounder Histology and Tissue Chemistry
Michael Moore, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole MA; and Lisa Lefkovitz, Battelle Duxbury Operations, Duxbury, MA


Transport of Toxic Alexandrium Populations into Massachusetts Bay
Donald Anderson and Bruce Keafer, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole MA

Sediment Contaminant Monitoring in Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays
Deirdre Dahlen, Lisa Lefkovitz and Carlton Hunt, Battelle Duxbury Operations, Duxbury MA

Long-term Trends in Productivity
Aimee Keller, Candace Oviatt, Tarquin Dorrington, Gywnne Holcombe, and Laura Reed, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett RI

Juvenile Lobsters at the New Outfall Site: Comparisons with Inshore and Population and Discussion of Potential Outfall Impacts on Lobster Populations
Kari L. Lavalli, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos TX, Roy Kropp, Battelle Duxbury Operations, Duxbury MA, Kenneth E. Keay, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Benthic Habitats of Boston Harbor and Nearshore Massachusetts Bay as Characterized by Sediment Profile Imaging
Robert Diaz, R.J. Diaz and Daughters,Ware Neck VA

Lobster Contaminant Monitoring in Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays
Lisa Lefkovitz and Carlton Hunt, Battelle Duxbury Operations, Duxbury MA

Phytoplankton and Zooplankton of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays, 1992-1999, Within a Regional Context
Jefferson Turner, David Borkman and Jean Lincoln, Center for Marine Sciences and Technology and Biology Department, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth MA

Initial Effluent Dilution Verification and Plume Tracking Plan
Carl Albro, Elizabeth Bruce and Carlton Hunt, Battelle Duxbury Operations, Duxbury MA; Rocky Geyer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole MA; Mike Mickelson, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Assessing Temporal Changes in Highly Variable Fecal Coliform and Enterococcus Data in Boston Harbor and its Tributaries by Randomized Block Factorial ANOVA
G. Gong and J. Lieberman, ENSR, Inc., Acton, MA, D. McLaughlin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, A. Rex, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston MA

Nearfield Hard-bottom Benthic Communities Near the Massachusetts Bay Outfall
Barbara Hecker, Hecker Environmental Consulting, Falmouth MA



Updated List of OMSAP and Advisory Committee Members

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