Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
2003 Report on your Drinking Water - a message from your local water department


Telephone: 508-393-5030
Fax: 508-393-6996

Public Water Supply #: 2215000

Northborough again joins the other MWRA communities in providing our water users with the Annual Water Quality Report produced by the MWRA. For Calendar Year 2003 all of Northborough’s water has been pumped from the MWRA system. Because of water chemistry incompatibilities the Northborough well water and treated MWRA water could not be mixed. We continue to work on bringing our wells back online with treatment that will be compatible with the treated MWRA water.

Go back to MWRA main report

After pumping the water from MWRA, Northborough is responsible for delivering the water to our customers. This water has received primary treatment from MWRA. Before the water is pumped to our storage tanks, it receives secondary disinfection in the form of chlorine and ammonia, which react in the water to form chloramine. The Water Division maintains over 70 miles of distribution pipelines, over 520 fire hydrants and services 3,922 accounts. In 2003, the Town of Northborough Water Department treated and distributed 346 million gallons of water to Northborough customers. As part of the Department’s routine maintenance program, the Department flushes the entire system to remove sediment and other debris. Additionally, we perform leak detection semi-annually.

The Water Department is evaluating, upgrading, cleaning and lining water mains on an on-going basis. Last year there were upgrades to water services on Main, Washburn and Hudson Streets and Indian Meadow Road. Water main replacements were completed on Washburn and Hudson Streets. The Water Department has begun a long term project to replace all the outside water readers with a radio transmitter inside the house at the meter. Please call the Department to schedule free installation.

Cross Connection
Northborough has an ongoing program to eliminate possible cross connections from the distribution system. A cross connection can happen when water gets suctioned back into the water system by negative pressure which can be caused by using hydrants to fight a fire or a water main break. Any homeowner that has an irrigation well must have it inspected by the Water Department to ensure that there is no cross connection between the municipal water system and the irrigation well. (As always, since June 1985, no irrigation systems can be connected to the municipal water system. All irrigation systems must be connected to a well.)

Water Analysis
The Town of Northborough and MWRA continue to analyze water samples on a routine basis. Northborough had no violations of the Total Coliform Rule (TCR) during Calendar Year 2003. There was one reporting violaton of THM’s. Sampling has been completed, however 2nd quarter samples were incomplete.

Lead & Copper Results
Northborough has conducted lead and copper testing and found that both the action level for lead and for copper have been met.

Listed below are substances detected in Northborough drinking water in 2003.



Haloacetic Acids (ppm) 56 9.6-80 60 0 Byproducts of disinfection
Trihalomethanes (ppb) 81 25-162 80 0 Byproducts of disinfection
Total Coliform (highest # of detections per month 0 0-0 1 0 Naturally present in the environment
90th Percentile # of Samples Exceeding Action Level Action Level
Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)
Lead 0.002 ppm 0 .015 ppm 0
Copper 0.107 ppm 0 1.3 ppm 1.3 ppm

The Northborough Water Department continues its commitment to provide our customers with high quality water. If you have any questions, want to be involved in the decision making process, or want more information, please call Kara Buzanoski, Asssistant DPW Director, at 508-393-5030 in the Water Department office. The office is located at 63 Main Street in the Town Hall.